Event Brussels, February 19, 2025
“Growth Engine Research and Innovation: How Market-Based Solutions Secure Prosperity in Europe”
Location and Date:
Wednesday February 19th, 2025, 07.00 pm – 08.30 pm
Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union
Rue Wiertz 77, 1000 Brussels
Research and development of innovations, as well as successful business ideas, are the foundation on which new companies are built. They are also the basis for tomorrow‘s prosperity. This is true for Europe as well!
Start-ups typically begin with only a few new jobs. However, as these companies succeed in the market and grow, the multiplier effect in terms of job creation becomes significantly greater. Even global players like Apple, Amazon, Google, HP, Meta, and Microsoft once started small. None of these companies originated in Europe. Currently, China and the US lead the way in successful start-ups. Yet, Europe holds great potential. According to the European Patent Office, a record of nearly 200,000 patent applications was filed in 2023. Business- friendly conditions for research and development are therefore key factors for the successful implementation of patents in Europe. The event „Growth Engine Research and Innovation – How We Secure Prosperity in Europe with Market-Oriented Solutions” in cooperation with Representation of the Free State of Bavaria, SME Europe, European People’s Party (EPP), Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS) and the European Economic Senate (EES), will address core questions about securing our economic future in Europe: How can we strengthen research and development? How do we retain technological innovation and start-ups in Europe? How can we improve the framework conditions for technological innovations?
Opening and Welcome
Minister of State for European and International Affairs in Bavaria
- Dipl.-Kfm. Michael JÄGER
President of the Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE),
CEO European Economic Senate (EES)
- Dr Andreas SCHWARZ
Head of Cabinet of the EU Commission for Start-ups, Research and Innovation
Panel Discussion
Minister of State for European and International Affairs in Bavaria
- Dr Andreas SCHWARZ
Head of Cabinet of the EU Commission for Start-ups, Research and Innovation - Niels Flemming Hansen, MEP
Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the European Parliament, Vice-President SME Europe, Co-Chair of SME Circle
- Frank OBRIST
Founder and Chair of the Obrist Group - Dr Richard BEYER
Scientific Director European Institute for Public Finance (EIPF)
President of the Association of European Journalists (VEJ)
Closing Remarks
President of the European Economic Senate (EES), Vice President ret. European Parliament, Head of the European Policy Committee of the Bavarian Economic Advisory Council,
Member of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Honorable President of SME Europe of the EPP