
The European Taxpayers Association was founded in Luxembourg in May of 1969. The name was changed to Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE) in 1996. In the year 2017 the seat of TAE was changed to Brussels. The European taxpayers’ organization has offices in Brussels and Munich.

Taxpayers Association of Europe is a federation of national taxpayers associations and organizations throughout Europe.

The neutral and independent TAE formulated and presented their conception of tax politics in the European Taxpayers Magna Charta in Brussels in 1985:

  • The TAE advocates a society with lower taxes and more individual freedom.
  • TAE fights against the waste of public funds and advocates greater efficiency and profitability in the public sector.
  • The TAE is committed to limiting public debt and transparency of expenditure.

The board of directors of TAE are presently Michael Jaeger from Germany (president), John O'Connell from United Kingdom (deputy president),  Rolf von Hohenhau from Germany (president hon.) and the vice presidents, Reiner Holznagel (Germany), Dr Teemu Lehtinen (Finland), Christian Ekström (Sweden) and Grigol Katamadze (Ukraine), Treasurer for the organization is René Nour El Din (Austria). Auditors are Larissa Apassova (Ukraine) and Nikolay Popopov (Bulgaria). Press officer for TAE is Rudolf G. Maier (Germany). General secretary for TAE is Dr Horst Heitz (Switzerland) who is also director of the TAE office in Brussels. Deputy Sectetary General is Kerstin Kellis (Germany). Public Relations Managers is Johannes Maruschzik (Germany). Eastern Europe Coordinator is Dr Ralf Schneider.

Further Information:
Office Munich: Michael Jaeger, Phone: +49-89-12600820
Office Brussels: Dr Horst Heitz, Phone: +32-2-5881520

V.i.S.d.P. Rudolf G. Maier

Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Munich:
Nymphenburger Str. 118, D-80636 München
Tel.: +49 89 126 00 820 | Fax: +49 89 126 00 847

Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Brussels:
Rue d’Arlon 46,  B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 588 15 20 (Phone)