TAE Family Mourns Walter Grupp

Walter Grupp, Director TAE Office in Brussels
(16.06.1952 - 08.09.2021)


It was with great shock and deepest sadness that we learned of the death of our long-time friend and partner, Walter Grupp.

For more than two decades, Walter was director of our office of Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE) and the Bavarian Taxpayers Association in Brussels and one of our most important liaison officers in politics there. He was a passionate fighter for small and mid-sized companies and leaves a gaping void. His keen mind, his deep humanity, his incredible horizon, his humor, his wonderfully finely tuned antennae and his inexhaustible passion will be immeasurably missed by all of us, personally and professionally.

 Walter, you are so absolutely irreplaceable and so missed already!

 In deep solidarity and gratitude!

Rolf von Hohenhau (President)
Michael Jäger (Secretary General)


Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Munich:
Nymphenburger Str. 118, D-80636 München
Tel.: +49 89 126 00 820 | Fax: +49 89 126 00 847

Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Brussels:
Rue d’Arlon 46,  B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 588 15 20 (Phone)